Why We Blame Millennials For Everything

There are regular headlines that accuse Millennials of “killing” some product or industry. What do you think this reveals about what’s expected or demanded of Millennials in our society?

MH: It’s kind of funny, right? It’s as if we are our consumer choices. I think it reflects a few things. One is the identification of Millennials with history. So if there are things that happen, it’s our fault [simply] because we are the next cohort. So you can project onto us the fault for these shifts that actually characterize us as much as anything. The reason that casual restaurants are closing is because people don’t have time and money to afford it. It’s strange that we see economists and business people blaming customers for not being able to afford things. Theoretically, that’s not our fault, that’s the market’s fault—if we can’t afford things, it’s not our fault for not wanting them.

Source: Why We Blame Millennials For Everything