Russia Probe Now Investigating Cambridge Analytica, Trump’s ‘Psychographic’ Data Gurus

A reminder that our usually-abstract work as analysys have real-world impacts

A data firm backed by some of Donald Trump’s closest allies is now facing scrutiny as part of an investigation into possible collusion between the president’s team and Russian operatives, The Daily Beast has learned.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) is looking at Cambridge Analytica’s work for President Donald Trump’s campaign as part of its investigation into Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 race, according to sources familiar with the probe.

The company is in the process of turning over documents to HPSCI, according to a source familiar with the committee’s work. Another source close to the investigation said that the probe’s focus on Cambridge Analytica is “fruitful.”

Source: Russia Probe Now Investigating Cambridge Analytica, Trump’s ‘Psychographic’ Data Gurus