Apparently vodka is an effective treatment for ethylene glycol poisoning in pets

Vodka; is there anything it doesn’t do?

The two antidotes for ethylene glycol poisonings are 1) a medication called fomepizole or 2) ethanol, the type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks. Commercially made pharmaceutical antidotes (i.e., fomepizole) are the preferred treatment choice; however, this drug can be expensive and some veterinary hospitals do not carry it. Because of its low cost and ease of availability, alcohol (ethanol) is the antidote of choice for some veterinarians. Both antidotes work the same way by blocking the formation of ethylene glycol’s toxic metabolites that lead to acidosis and kidney damage.

Source: Antifreeze Poisoning… Vodka as an Antidote? | Pet Poison Helpline